Logger Dock

The Logger Dock is a docking station for charging, data transfer and data acquisition with untethered headstages. With the Logger Dock, it is possible to charge and upload data from one headstage processor top while recording with another for extended recording sessions. The dock’s compact size, versatility of function, and compatibility with all of SpikeGadgets’ data loggers make it ideal for high-throughput experiments.

  • Compatible with the miniLogger 32, HH128, and custom loggers
  • Compact design
  • Charges headstage processor top battery while the base remains on the animal
  • Uploads recorded data (neural and sensor) from microSD card to computer
  • Controls logger recordings by sending start/stop signals
  • Sends synchronization pulses to timesync data with third party devices and environmental events
  • Ideal for longer recording sessions and high-throughput experiments
  • Updates headstage firmware
  • 1 analog I/O, 3 digital I/O. Integrates with ECU for an additional 32 analog and digital I/O
  • 5v linear power supply (international options available)
  • USB cable
  • RF antenna
Connection to computerEthernet or USB
DIO3 digital in/outs, extendable IO to ECU
Sampling rate30 kHz or 20kHz supported
Dimensions100mm x 80 mm x 25mm
Weight7.7 ounces
Range15 feet