
Frank Lab
The Frank Lab studies the brain’s ability to use experience and guide behavior in order to better understand how activity and plasticity in neural circuits influence learning and the ability to use learned information to guide behavior. SpikeGadgets and the Frank Lab are working together on a U01 grant to create a high channel (4,000+) count recording system.

Chong Xie and Lan Luan
Rice University
Chong Xie and Lan Luan have developed ultraflexible probes that overcome the issues of damaging brain tissue that most commercial probes face and enable stable recordings over a longer length of time. Chronic recordings make it possible to record spikes in the brain for a period of months; creating new opportunities for data collection. SpikeGadgets is working with Chong and Luan on a Phase II STTR grant to commercialize the probes to be used in conjunction with SpikeGadgets’ untethered data logging systems.

Imec has created cutting-edge fully-integrated silicon CMOS digital neural probes that enable in-vivo high-density recordings in small animals.The combination of high-density and high-channel count (384 low-noise recording channels that can be selected from 960 densely packed electrodes) produces rich spiking data. SpikeGadgets is collaborating with Neuropixels to create headstages for untethered recording with up to three Neuropixels probes.

Brody Lab
Princeton University
The Brody Lab uses a combination of computational, behavioral, electrophysiological, pharmacological, and optogenetic techniques to research the neural mechanisms underlying the brain’s cognitive abilities. The lab uses SpikeGadgets’ untethered recording systems and is one of SpikeGadgets’ Neuropixels beta testers.