Main Control Unit (MCU)

The Main Control Unit (MCU) is SpikeGadgets’ neural data acquisition system and central controller. Each MCU supports both tethered and untethered (wireless) neural recording modes and is capable of processing up to 1024 channels of simultaneous neural data. The MCU is simple and flexible enough for routine experiments, yet powerful enough to handle the most complex and cutting-edge applications in neuroscience.

  • Supports low-latency data streaming via gigabit ethernet for tethered recording
  • Wirelessly control neural recording experiments with SpikeGadgets data-logging headstages
  • Seamless integration with Spikegadgets Environmental Control Unit (ECU) to sync, control and record environmental stimuli
  • Combine with SpikeGadgets Headstage Combiner Units (HCU or SHCU) for experiments requiring high channel count with multiple headstages, or sub-millisecond closed-loop electrical or optogenetic stimulation
  • 6 digital inputs
  • 5V power supply (international options available)
  • Ground cable assembly (ground pin with banana cable)
  • USB cable
  • CAT5 cable (ethernet)
Max channel count1024
Material Aluminum case
Intended experimental applicationsfreely moving, untethered data logging, headfixed
Connection to computerEthernet or USB
Logging optionsComputer or SD card
DIO8 TTL inputs plus optional ECU data
Neural inputsSingle headstage or output of HCU
Configurable sampling rate supports30kHz, 20kHz and 2kHz recording modes
Closed-loop hardware-computer-hardware delayLess than 1 ms (median)
Weight328g or 11.5 oz.