Neuropixels Datalogger Headstage

The Neuropixels neural datalogger headstage optimizes the power and density of Imec’s Neuropixels 1.0 probes by enabling multiprobe and untethered (wireless) electrophysiological recording. The Neuropixels datalogger records neural signals from up to three Neuropixels 1.0 probes simultaneously for both tethered and untethered electrophysiology recording experiments.

  • Record up to 400 selected channels of neural data in untethered (wireless) data logging mode, or livestream and record up to 1152 selected channels in tethered mode via the MCU.
  • Light enough for rats and larger animals; just 19g for headstage + cone
  • Compatible with any of the Neuropixels 1.0 probes. This includes the ultra high-density and NHP (nonhuman primate probes).
  • Optimized for high throughput and social experiments
  • Integrated accelerometer, gyroscope and radio receiver

Johnston, K., Gilliland, R. E., Wong, R. K., & Everling, S. (2025). Marmoset Anterior Cingulate Area 32 Neurons Exhibit Responses to Presented and Produced Calls During Naturalistic Vocal Communication. bioRxiv, 2025-02.

Awwad, B., Jankowski, M. M., Polterovich, A., Bashari, S., & Nelken, I. (2023). Extensive representation of sensory deviance in the responses to auditory gaps in unanesthetized rats. Current Biology33(14), 3024-3030.

  • HDMI cable
  • Number of Neuropixels ProbesUp to 3, Neuropixels 1.0 probes (including the ultra high-density and NHP types)
    Channel count
    Total # Selectable Channels2880 (across 3 probes)
    Tethered recording1152 (across 3 probes) or 384/probe
    Wireless data logging400 (across 3 probes)
    Headstage + Cone19.2g
    Headstage + Cone + 400mAh battery31g
    Other specifications
    Intended experimental applicationsfreely-moving, data logging
    Power consumption (based on actual samples, can vary)1 probe set to 384 channels: 160mA at 3.8V
    2 probes set to 384 channels: 178mA at 3.8V
    3 probes set to 384 channels: 194mA at 3.8V
    Dimensions (headstage + cone)28.8x33.2x46mm
    Sampling rate30kHz
    Bit depth10-bit
    Connection to commutatormicroHDMI
    SensorsAccelerometer, gyro